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Bekele Abera Hordofa (MSc.) - Profile


Bekele Abera Hordofa(MSc.)

Telephone(mobile): +251926440951 || +251911295657

Email: ||  

Address: Batu, Oromia, Ethiopia 


Education Background

·         BSc. Degree in Computer Science from Hawassa University on July  2013

·         MSc. Degree in Computer Science from Addis Ababa University on November 2018.

Academic Rank 


Language skill

Afan Oromo(mother tongue), English and Amharic

Working for Experience

·         Graduate Assistance from August 07, 2013 to August 06, 2014 at Adigrat University

·         Assistance Lecturer from August 07, 2014 to October 10, 2014 at Adigrat University

·         Attending Postgraduate at Addis Ababa University

·         Ad hoc committee member and Co-investigator in various research and Community Service at Adigrat University

·         Postgraduate Coordinator at Adigrat University, Computer Science Department.

Administrative positions held

·         Vice Dean at College of Science and Technology, Oromia State University from

·         Currently Lecturer at dept. of Computer Science and ICT Directorate Director  at Oromia State University from

Research Interest

Semantic Web, Event Modeling, Natural Language Processing, Mobile Information Systems, AI, Data Science and others.

Computer skills and competences             

Programming, Networking, Database Design, Software Engineer, System Analyst, Web design, and others. 

     Social skills and


Experience of working with people of different background and culture. I have thought and attended my education in diverse ethnic background students and this develop the habit of living and working with people of different back ground in coordination. This created me an opportunity to immerse to learn environment quickly.

Organizational skills and



Most of the time I play leadership role by coordinating people and I am always at forefront in participating at voluntary work.



Memberships of international bodies/journals

Editorial roles/initiatives, etc

·         I have recommendation letter from my final year Project advisor Mr. Vinod Chandra (Indian Expatriate).

·         I have recommendation letter from Hawassa University, School of Informatics head Mr. Nirayo Hailu for my better academic achievement, I was top scorer of the school and Institute Of Technology (HU-IOT).

·         I took training prepared for graduates of all university with good results by ministry of education in collaboration with ministry of capacity building.

·         First place on Hawassa University, Science and Technology Innovation day on April 20 2012.

·         IBM Cloud Application Developer Mastery Award

·         Hawassa University Online Student Registration System, HU-OSRS (PHP, MySQL), one module of Student MIS, final year project

·         Online Public Access Catalog, OPAC(PHP, MySQL) for Adigrat University Library

·         Oromia Construction Bureau Official Website( as designer and developer

·         Project Manager on “Construction Regulation Management Information System” at Oromia Construction Bureau

·         Masters Thesis entitled “Event Modelling from Amharic News Article”

·         More than 20 seminar and final year student projects as advisor

·         IMIS Development using REDATAM for Data Dissemination

·         Two published paper and one pending for Publication.


·         Bekele Abera Hordofa & Shambel Dechasa Degefa, A Review of Natural Language Processing Techniques: Application to Afan Oromo, International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research(IJCATR), Volume 10–Issue 03, 51-54, 2021, ISSN:-2319–8656, March 2021.

·         Bekele Abera Hordofa, Event Extraction and Representation Model from News Articles, International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Technology (IJIET), Volume 16 Issue 3, ISSN: 2319-1058, June 2020.




Bekele Abera Hordofa


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