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School of Postgraduate Studies

In 2017,the university launched postgraduate programs in threedifferent fields of studies:  Leadership and Change Management, Development and Public Policy Management and Public Financial Management. In 2018, LLM extends the programs into four and currently 1821 students are enrolled in the programs at Batu, Bishoftu,Shashemene, Burayu, Sebeta, and Adama coordination centers.

The school graduated 365 students in 13, July 2011 with the presence of the university president Dr.GemechuArarsa, special honored guest Professor AsmeromLegesse, the prominent researcher on Oromo culture, invited officials, board member of the university, the university community and family members of the graduates.

Currently, School of Postgraduate Studies with the collaboration of School of Business and Economics is underway to launch two postgraduate programs. These are: MA in Development Economics and Policy and MSc in Project Management.

