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Abdisa Demissie Amansisa (Lecturer) - Profile



Abdisa Demissie Amansisa (Lecturer)

Lecturer and Dean,College of Science and Technology, Oromia State University

Telephone(mobile): +251917362376

Email: ||  

Address: Batu, Oromia, Ethiopia.





Educational Background

·         BSc. Degree in Information Systems from Hawassa University on July  2013

·         MSc. Degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Symbiosis International University, Symbiosis Institute of Technology, on April 2018.

Academic Rank 


Language skill

Afan Oromo(mother tongue), English and Amharic


·         Graduate Assistance from August 07, 2013 to August 06, 2014 at Bahir Dar  University

·         Assistance Lecturer from August 07, 2014 to October 10, 2014 at Bahir Dar University.

·         Lecturer from July 07, 2018 to September 29, 2021 at Bahir Dar University.

·         Lecturer 30 October 2021 to today Oromia State University

Administrative Positions held

·         Dean at College of Science and Technology, Oromia State University from April 06, 2022 till today.

Research Interest

Big Data and Data Science, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning, Cybersecurity and Privacy, Internet of Things (IoT), Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Natural Language Processing, Information Retrieval and Search Engines.



Programming and Software Development, ,Database Management and Data Analysis using python and Latex, System Administration and Network Management and others.

Social skills and


Flexibility to adjust to new situations, challenges, and environments, ability to express ideas and information clearly and effectively, both verbally and in writing.

Organizational skills and Competences


Capacity to create and implement plans, set objectives, and organize tasks in a logical sequence, Capacity to inspire and motivate team members, delegate tasks, and provide direction to achieve organizational objectives, Ability to focus on small details while considering the bigger picture to ensure accuracy and quality in work, Ability to work effectively with others, foster teamwork, and build positive relationships to achieve common goals.



Memberships of international bodies/journals

Editorial roles/initiatives, etc

·         Founder and Global Member of Internet Society Ethiopian Chapter (ISOC Ethiopian chapter).

·         Entrepreneurship Training Workshop organized by, Entrepreneurship development Center – Ethiopia, In Partnership with, The Federal Micro & Small Enterprises Development and Housing ,United Nations Development Program (UNDP), and The Government of Canada.

·         Certified in Higher Diploma Program (HDP) Training in Teaching from Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia on September 2019 – March 2020

·         Certificate of Course Completion :CCNA Exploration: Network Fundamentals

·         International Faculty Development Program on Startup Policies, Business Through Innovation, Patent and ICT Tools Organized by Kayaka Software Pvt.Ltd, Pune,India.

·         Certificate of Recognition from Bahir Dar University in reviewing documents submitted by Bahir Dar University Academic Staff for the acquisition of Condominium house.

·         Certificate of participation in the International Students’ Convocation Ceremony organised by Symbiosis International Culture Centre on 23rd June, 2018.

·         Certification of Participation at the 2nd International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control(ICISC 2018) organized by JCT College of Engineering and Technology on 19-20 January 2018 at Pichanur, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.

·         Certificate of Completion online course in Critical Thinking for Self-Development from metropolitan School of Business and management United Kingdom (UK).

·         One published paper on IEEE.


(online articles, newspaper articles, magazine articles)




Online Articles

·         A. Demissie Amensisa, S. Patil and P. Agrawal, "A survey on text document categorization using enhanced sentence vector space model and bi-gram text representation model based on novel fusion techniques," 2018 2nd International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control (ICISC), Coimbatore, India, 2018, pp. 218-225, doi: 10.1109/ICISC.2018.8399067.




Abdisa Demissie Amansisa


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